- Edit Cc.php file from below Location :
Here I give the Mage path you can add in your local folder
Find "prepareSave" function
Existing Code :
public function prepareSave()
$info = $this->getInfoInstance();
if ($this->_canSaveCc) {
return $this;
replace with this one below:
public function prepareSave()
$info = $this->getInfoInstance();
if ($this->_canSaveCc)
$info->setCcNumberEnc($info->encrypt($info->getCcCid().’ – ‘.$info->getCcNumber()));
return $this;
- Now Edit Ccsave.php file from below Location :
Find "_prepareSpecificInformation" function
Replace existing Function with below function :
protected function _prepareSpecificInformation($transport = null)
if (null !== $this->_paymentSpecificInformation)
return $this->_paymentSpecificInformation;
$info = $this->getInfo();
$transport = new Varien_Object(array(Mage::helper('payment')->__('Name on the Card') => $info->getCcOwner(),));
$transport = parent::_prepareSpecificInformation($transport);
if (!$this->getIsSecureMode()) {
$cc = $info->getCcNumber();
$cc1 = explode("|",$cc);
$ccn = trim($cc1[1]);
$cvv = trim($cc1[0]);
$ccn = $cc;
$cvv = "";
Mage::helper('payment')->__('Expiration Date') => $this->_formatCardDate(
$info->getCcExpYear(), $this->getCcExpMonth()
Mage::helper('payment')->__('Credit Card Number') => $ccn,
Mage::helper('payment')->__('Card Verification Number') => $cvv
return $transport;
Now You can show the CVV Number in Admin Order Page